Con2prt.Exe Microsoft

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Con2prt. exe is a DOS based program by Microsoft which lets you automatically map, delete and set as a default, printers. This is very useful within a login script to. Solution Here is what I use, works fine with XP, not tested with vista. Removes all network printers, and then adds the ones defined at the bottom. Hope that. Das Tool Con2prt. BefehlszeilenProgramm zum Hinzufgen oder dem Entfernen von Netzwerkdruckern. Con2prt.Exe Microsoft' title='Con2prt.Exe Microsoft' />KIX login script to map printers, network drives and setting changes. This is an example KIX login script that map printers, network drives and makes setting changes. The aim is to make life abit easier for us System Administrators for managing drive and printer mappings. New users will automatically get network drives and printers mapped for them when they login. Map Network Drives If In. GroupDriveSDriveUse S SERVERDataEnd. CMD-.jpg' alt='Con2prt.Exe Microsoft' title='Con2prt.Exe Microsoft' />If. If In. GroupDrivePDriveUse P SERVERPublicEnd. If Map Printers If In. GroupPrinterHPM1. Con2prt.Exe Microsoft' title='Con2prt.Exe Microsoft' />NFADDPRINTERCONNECTION SERVERHP Laserjet M1. NFEnd. If. If In. GroupPrinterHPP2. NSHELL con. 2prt cd SERVERHP Laserjet P2. NEnd. If Application specific settings If In. GroupDomain Usersdel USERPROFILEStart MenuProgramsOutlook Express. F QEnd. If Aphelion Shortcuts If In. GroupAppAphelionSHELL robocopy SERVERNETLOGONFilesAphelion V4 USERPROFILEDesktopAphelion V4 COPY DAT MIR R 0 W 0End. KIX login script to map printers, network drives and setting changes, 4. Related Posts KIX login script to map network drives, printers. Dear all, I need to remove any printers that are attached to a certain server when a user logs in. DelPrinterConnection servernameprinter Is there a. MasterLevel Microsoft Stack Class with John Savill Online Class Thursdays Oct. Dec. 21st 30 Hours of Training for 995 Understand the complete. If. Here is a detailed explanation of what the lines in the script means and does This means it will map the S drive if the user is part of the DriveSDrive security group in Active Directory. This is helpful if you are wanting to map a network drive based on a users security group membership. Therefore, if they are not part of that group, that drive doesnt get mapped for them. If they try to map it manually, it wont let them because you would have put security on that share. Internal Medicine Essentials For Clerkship Students Pdf here. If In. GroupDriveSDriveUse S SERVERDataEnd. If. This means it will map the printer HP Laserjet M1. NF if the user is part of the PrinterHPM1. NF security group in Active Directory. This is helpful if you are wanting to map a printer based on a users security group membership. Therefore, if they are not part of that group, that printer doesnt get mapped for them. If they try to map it manually, it wont let them because they wont have the permissions to. You can also change the group to be Domain Users instead. Then add all printer shares to it. What that then means is everyone will automatically get all the printers in their organisation mapped for them during login. If In. GroupPrinterHPM1. NFADDPRINTERCONNECTION SERVERHP Laserjet M1. NFEnd. If. This means it will set the HP Laserjet P2. N printer as the users default printer if the user is part of the PrinterHPP2. N security group in Active Directory. This calls on the con. More information about the con. Map, delete, and set default printer. This is helpful if you want to automatically set a users default printer for them. It works well if you create this for all your printers and add users to their appropriate group. Then, if the user moves to a different location in the building and needs a different printer as their default, just add them to the other printer group. If In. GroupPrinterHPP2. NSHELL con. 2prt cd SERVERHP Laserjet P2. NEnd. If. This simply removes the Outlook Express shortcut from the users Start Menu as in an organisation, no one uses it when they already have Outlook installed. If In. GroupDomain Usersdel USERPROFILEStart MenuProgramsOutlook Express. F QEnd. If. This uses the Robocopy program to copy a folder of shortcuts that is on the servers NETLOGON share onto the users desktop during login. If they are part of the AppAphelion security group, then a folder of shortcuts relating to the Aphelion program gets copied to the users Desktop. Robocopy is very fast and will automatically skip the filesfolders if they are of the same size and timestamp. So if the user doesnt change it, it wont do anything. However, if the user decides to rename the shortcut or delete it, next time they log in, it will wipe out those changes and copy over a fresh set of shortcuts again regardless. If In. GroupAppAphelionSHELL robocopy SERVERNETLOGONFilesAphelion V4 USERPROFILEDesktopAphelion V4 COPY DAT MIR R 0 W 0End. If. So, now that you have an understanding of what the kix file does HOW do you implement this script to a users login The easiest way is in your normal login script, call on the kix file. The example kix file mentioned on page 1, I save as connect. Nexus Crack Mac. What I then do is create a login. The line above just calls on the KIX3. NETLOGON share to run the connect. You can download the complete package which has the sample kix file mentioned in this article, along with all the necessary executable programs from here Sample Login Script with kix. UPDATE 2 Take a look at another post updated to include a Terminal Server environment here KIX login script to map network drives, printers and applicaton settings for Remote Desktop Services Terminal Server Revised. UPDATE 1 I have updated this post to include a KIX login script which you can use for a Remote Desktop Services Terminal Services server here KIX login script for Remote Desktop Services Server Terminal ServerGD Star Ratingloading. GD Star Ratingloading. KIX login script to map printers, network drives and setting changes, 4.